EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique
EFT is a scientifically proven method of calming the nervous system beyond the present moment by rewiring our brains.
By deactivating what normally triggers us to react in unhelpful ways, EFT enables us to respond with a calm, curious, kind, and creative attitude.
Respond instead of React
So many of our triggers are running the show.
Imagine being able to respond with kindness, creativity and clarity to what life throws at us.
Imagine feeling a sense of control and freedom around your emotions.
EFT is a powerful tool that can be learned and practiced on your own to find that alignment with your best, most skilled self.
By tapping on points around our bodies while speaking or thinking about triggering events, we can rewire our brains to no longer react to situations that re-ignite the feelings caused by that event.
Our unprocessed reactions to past events are too often in the driver’s seat without our even knowing it.
Tapping enables us to finally process that event thereby untangling our emotions and reactions from things that, often unconsciously, reignite that original unprocessed trauma.
You will find a short video below to explain the process a bit more.