My name is Evie
and my journey has encompassed many adventures, wearing a variety of hats - mother, wife, traveller, college drop-out turned PhiBetaKappa graduate, ceramic sculptor, carpenter/contractor, art teacher, metal sculptor, welder, yoga student, meditator, reiki master, yoga teacher and EFT practitioner - it’s clear now how all of them led me here.
From 4 months to 7 years old, I was overseas - Korea (my first language), Russia (my second), Germany and France. My middle and high school years were spent in Washington DC, where I was also born. Since graduating high school, I’ve lived in Ohio, Washington State, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Texas, The Bahamas, New Zealand and now North Carolina. It’s also fair to say that I’ve considered NC my home base since 1979, doing occasional 1 to 2-year satellite sojourns.
My two children, born in 1988 and 91, are two of my most solid anchors. My check-ins with them, either physically, via phone or emotionally keep me grounded and honest. My husband Richard is another. He calls me on my stuff in a loving way. My community of artists, yogis, healers, energy workers and powerful women have inspired and supported me for years. I know what love looks and feels like.
In 2013 I experienced my first vertigo attack and was diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease. The next 5 years were one doctor after another, one medication after another, with only small periods of peace in between. The vertigo attacks became so frequent that I didn’t leave the house for a few weeks at one point for fear of experiencing another attack while driving. Even with the occasional stretches of time without attacks there wasn’t any kind of deep knowing that I was actually getting better, in fact, quite the opposite. The stress of the possible next attack was constant. It wasn’t until 2018, when I found the teachings of Dr. Kim D’Eramo through the Tapping World Summit, that I experienced the first sense of true relief - that my wellness was actually inside me - my wise body.
Since then my path has led me in so many, sometimes too many, different directions. As I settle in and am more able to trust my inner compass, my toolkit has grown in ways I’m able to manage and really feel into those tools that most align with my strengths and abilities. This is where I’ve put my time and energy to study and practice.
It’s these tools I offer you here.