I am so grateful to have worked with some wonderful people. Here are some kind words they shared with me…
“I first came to Evie when I had decided that I wanted to live an alcohol free life. After sitting with Evie and doing more research about tapping, I purchased her package of 5 sessions.
We spread the sessions out over a couple of months, which was perfect for me to digest and practice what she was teaching me during our time together. I’m happy to report I am happily living alcohol free, with the tools that Evie taught me.
With all the cost savings of this life choice, I consider her services free, it was a great ROI and beautiful investment in myself.
~ Dawn Sipley, Sipley the Best - President
That has been my experience with Evie’s guidance through EFT practices. I arrived at the practice with hesitation and uncertainty, but Evie guided me through with so much care. I am so grateful for this opportunity to uncover and address deep rooted trauma, and I am grateful to Evie for sharing this healing practice.
I encourage anyone seeking a practice that helps them look inward and uncover experiences that dim their internal light to embark on this journey of EFT. “
~ Kiera Hinton
Working with Evie helped me to release some of the emotions that my hip pain triggered. As Evie led me through the tapping, I felt the fear and frustration ease. As those emotions lost their grip, Evie helped me reframe the pain as a messenger that was telling me my body needed to move more.
After working with Evie, my hip has hurt less, in part because I'm moving more, and when it does flare up, it doesn't trigger those negative emotions. Instead, I take the pain as a reminder to sit less and move more. After that one session, I've had over five months largely pain-free, and I can't thank Evie enough!
~Patricia P.