Imagine releasing the anxiety, the stress, or the limiting beliefs that are humming just below the surface. It’s possible. There are tools.
I wrote a book!
Learn 5 of the exercises I share with my clients to create more resilience during the challenging moments of life.
Befriending Anxiety/Creating Peace is now available on Amazon by clicking on the book below - paperback or Kindle version.
Evie (she/her) here!
Self-Discovery Coach
Using EFT and other powerful practices, I connect deeply with people struggling with anxiety and chronic illness. I’ve witnessed people make connections that allow them to finally release limiting beliefs and memories that were unconsciously running the show.
My role is a guide, taking direction from you and the wisdom of your body.
You are always in charge.
EFT aka Tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique, is a scientifically validated method of calming the nervous system. By tapping on designated points throughout the body, you can bring a calmer, more curious and creative attitude to stressful situations, thereby finding solutions and opportunities instead of spiraling into unhelpful negative self-talk and regrettable reactions.
Private sessions or group classes, deepen your understanding and connection to your own body and spirit through the whole practice of yoga - all eight limbs.
Learn to practice meditation or download guided meditations for grounding, calming, tapping into wellness or centering.
Complicated rituals or props not necessary.
To be clear
My Wise Body/Evie G Watts Is Not a Medical Provider and Does Not Provide Medical Advice or Diagnosis.
Any and all content stated or posted on my website or available through my services is not intended to be, and must not be taken to be, the practice of medicine, psychology, chiropractic, or the provision of medical, psychological/mental health, or nutritional or chiropractic care or any other professional healthcare.
The information provided here is not a substitute for medical diagnosis, advice, or treatment, or other professional healthcare. Never disregard or delay medical advice received from your licensed healthcare provider based on information on this website. Always consult your physician, psychologist, or licensed healthcare provider before seeking any new treatment or before you alter, suspend, or initiate any change in your medical or psychological treatment, medication, or herbal supplement, routine, or procedure.
If you are in crisis, reach out for help to a crisis helpline. A list of crisis help lines and service providers can be found online, or contact any of the organizations listed below: National Suicide Hotline 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255);
National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-SAFE (800-799-7233);
National Child Abuse Hotline 800-4-A-CHILD (800-422-4453).
While I provide online services, I do not have a 24-hour hotline for medical emergencies; nor do I handle requests in crisis situations, such as if you are feeling suicidal or in need of immediate assistance due to an emotional crisis. If you are in crisis, contact one of the above organizations or another resource of your choice. If you need help finding mental health services and support in your community, contact an appropriate organization, such as, for example, National Mental Health Association Information Center (nmha.org).
My Wise Body/Evie G Watts is providing you with informational and educational self-help resources.